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  • Writer's pictureAnne Anjao

Exploring the Qualitative Method 1

The worse thing that contemporary qualitative research can imply is that, in this post-modern age, anything goes. The trick is to produce intelligent, disciplined work on the very edge of the abyss ― David Silverman, Interpreting Qualitative Data

Now that Sheikh Ali has jump-started me, I have renewed momentum, vitality, and motivation. The idea is there alright. I just must figure out the focus. Those conversant with research know that settling on a broad topic can turn disastrous, especially in qualitative research.

I become very busy. My proposal is changing. Remember, I am in a Research Methodology class where I am developing a proposal using my now 'old' but related topic. Instead of electronic media, I have made the switch to new media, but the health context remains the same. There is only one way out: I must bury myself in the library and find out what other scholars are saying globally, in Africa, and Kenya, about my issue.

UUM has spared no effort to provide us with comfortable reading spaces. I have my table in the postgraduate room. Each department has a postgraduate space where we are provided with a comfortable reading table, chair, and cupboard. Additionally, we have a computer (one) for those who might need it. Sometimes your laptop can crash, so we have several such computers in every reading center. There is also a kettle and a water dispenser. Boy, don't we all need litres of coffee! This is a great reading environment where we bond as we study. My reminiscences take me back to when I came back from a trip to Kuala Lumpur to find my neighbor had placed a beautifully wrapped gift on my desk. Thank you, Puteri Ily Ismail.

Our hostels also have smart reading rooms handled by students (UUM employees). It has several computers, comfortable tables, and chairs. I like this space from late evening to 11 pm when it closes, since I don’t particularly appreciate walking in our 'wild' environment at night.

Did I mention we have an academia lounge for postgraduate students where we get free unlimited tea/coffee with accompanying snacks? Yes, free. Plus, refreshing, cold juice. I was mesmerized the first time Mark introduced me there. So, in between my reading, I relax on the cozy seats as I sip my tea or coffee and chat with comrades.

Perpustakaan Sultanah Bahiya Library is one of a kind. Both the old and new. What struck me the first time I visited was people walking in with backpacks. No checks. Trust levels are pretty high, and no one ever dreams of slinking off a book. It is here that I will spend the next few months poring through books, journal articles, multimedia material, and so on. Since my focus is shifting, I begin with the book area. This is the zone with those inviting orange-colored sofa sets, only that today I will have to skip their comfort. I find a table near the shelf housing media books, select about 20, and delve deep into them. That is the challenge of changing topics. You dismantle almost every structure of your proposal and begin rebuilding, sometimes from scratch. Day by day, this is my routine as I furiously work at the background to my study as well as my problem statement. The problem statement must clearly show the gap, and this is what I am looking for in the vast literature I am reviewing extensively.

When those spaces get too cold, as they often do, I simply do not leave my well-equipped hostel room. I am very lucky because to date, I have never got a roommate. The University tries to match roommates while considering religious, cultural, and social differences. So far, and no kidding, I am the only Kenyan student here. My country mates are mainly concentrated within the capital city, KL.

The more I review literature, the more I begin to see an inkling of my gap. I get to learn of the various gaps we need to fill at this level. Although the practical gap is what we initially set out to address, we really need to place ourselves in the realm of philosophy. That is why it is called Doctor of Philosophy. What is my epistemology? Ontology? Philosophical perspectives? What gaps exist in my chosen research methodology? Besides, what are the theoretical gaps in my chosen area of study? Now that I am on the qualitative path, can I take a stab at theory building by pursuing grounded theory? But I shudder at the thought of that since my friend Salako has been here five years with his grounded theory (almost grounding him, I think, but I am wrong because a couple of months later, he is done).

I explore all the approaches to qualitative research and try to see which one fits my study. I am worried because I seem to be shooting wide. When I read about phenomenology, I realize the phenomenon I am investigating does not involve describing and interpreting my participants’ lived experiences. Mark tells me this is the approach he used in his thesis and how he really enjoyed writing it. Yeah, I can see his face light up and the pride in his eyes as he describes his precious achievement. I turn my attention to ethnography. Nothing. There is no way I am immersing myself in groups or organisations to understand their cultures. Narrative research is next. I turn this topic upside down to comprehend how stories are told to understand how the participants develop perspectives and make sense of their experiences. Nothing. Of course, my study has nothing to do with case study since I am not focusing on a single person, event, organization, problem, or activity using a bounded system of space and time. Now, what next?

Maybe it is time to consult my supervisors over this issue. What qualitative approach should I be using? To be continued…

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Aniekan Ekpenyong
Aniekan Ekpenyong
Nov 22, 2022

I find your articles super informative. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with us. Your writing style is a joy to behold!


Onesmo Muciae
Onesmo Muciae
May 28, 2021

I like the information there in and the smooth flow of ideas. Waiting for the continuation.

Anne Anjao
Anne Anjao
May 29, 2021
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Thank you!


May 28, 2021

Very informative, waiting for the next one.

Anne Anjao
Anne Anjao
May 29, 2021
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Thank you!

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