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About Me

My name is Anne Anjao Eboi. I live in Nairobi, Kenya, although I studied at Universiti Utara Malaysia.

I could be one of the Ph.D. students who pursued the degree for the longest time. I have heard that students face frustrations from their local institutions, or sometimes they bear responsibility.

Are you a PhD student or a prospective student experiencing joys and/or frustrations? We need to begin having a candid talk. Where are you based? What is your story? Why do you need this degree? They say the Ph.D. journey is lonely and, if one is not careful, one may suffer what the popular acronym spells out, 'permanent head damage.' Or you may be among the lucky ones who sail through your journey without as much as a headache and enjoy a ‘pleasantly heavenly degree’. If these describe you, then this is the forum to be.

It's not always that the PhD journey is all gloom and sadness. What are the beautiful stories about our trip? I have heard of a student whose master’s thesis was so good it was upgraded to a Ph.D. and, just like that, smiled his way into a doctorate.

While I chronicle my PhD journey, I invite you also to share your story. Your story may save someone else the heartache. Our stories collectively will make us better students, better researchers, and better supervisors when our turn arrives. We can also share useful tips about the PhD journey.

Share your story on  You do not have to mention the name of the university if not comfortable. So, sit back, relax, and read on.


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